Client Feedback Form

At Family Therapy Center of Bethesda, your feedback matters! We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and value your opinion! Please help us in our effort to provide the best services and support possible by taking our confidential client feedback form. If you have any additional questions or thoughts, please feel free to email the practice owner at Thank you!

* Required

Overall, how satisfied are you with your therapy experience at FTCB so far?

My emails and calls have been answered promptly

The intake coordinator was knowledgeable and able to thoroughly answer my questions.

The intake coordinator sent me a link to the secure client portal with the intake forms

The intake forms were clear and easy to complete

Parking is easy and convenient

The waiting room is clean and comfortable

COVID protocols at the office were clear

I received my telehealth link ahead of my session time

The telehealth platform is clear and easy to use

How likely are you to continue therapy services at FTCB?

How likely are you to recommend FTCB to others?

How likely are you to recommend your therapist to others?

Bethesda office:
5654 Shields Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817

Baltimore office:
30 East Padonia Road, Suite 202
Timonium, MD 21093

Annapolis office:
1835 Forest Drive, Suite H
Annapolis, MD 21401
(240) 883-6074

Copyright © 2018 - 2025 Family Therapy of Bethesda, LLC.
All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy

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